
The Interpretation of "Allah is Sufficient for us, and He is the Best Disposer of affairs, the Best Protector and the Best Helper" in Arabic, Here are The Excellences > 자유게시판

The Interpretation of "Allah is Sufficient for us, and He is the …

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작성자 Tandy Ferraro
댓글 0건 조회 7회 작성일 24-09-22 08:37


057751000_1589952396-shutterstock_1713389647.jpgSurah Al-Insyirah is the 94th surah in the Quran that was revealed in the city of Makkah. This surah contains 8 verses and has the meaning of "expansion." The Asbabun Nuzul, or the background of the descent of this surah, is connected with the difficult trials faced by Prophet Muhammad SAW while

064790800_1620619406-muslim-men-praying-tashahhud-posture.jpgof Makkah.
The name "Al-Insyirah" itself is derived from the first phrase in this surah, which is "have We not expanded." This surah has a profound meaning for Muslims because it addresses the blessings that Allah granted to P

its own benefits.
"It's possible that the Prophet saw was only made aware about the virtue of Muharram exceeding Shaban in the last periods of his life, or maybe the Prophet saw already knew about it but didn't have the chance to multiply fasting in the month of Muharram due to different hindrances, such as illness, travel, and the lik

khusnul khotimah.
Husnul denotes good while khusnul signifies disgraceful. Thus, the meaning of khusnul khotimah is a dishonorable end. Obviously, this will be catastrophic if someone passes away and then you say or write, "may the deceased be khusnul khotimah" which signifies may they e

In general, the Asbabun Nuzul of Surah Al-Insyirah depicts the difficult situation faced by the Prophet and his companions, while giving them faith, conviction, and comfort in his prophetic mission amidst t

am Bukhari:
"Allahumma Anta Rabbi, la ilaha illa Anta khalaqtani, wa ana 'abduka, wa ana ala ahdika wawa'dika mastatha'tu, audzubka min syarrima shana'tu, abu'u laka bini'matika alayya wa abu'u laka bi dzanbi, faghfirli, fa innahu la yaghfir

tious not to err.
The meaning of khusnul khotimah is often thought to be dying in a good state. Yet, this is not correct. The meaning of khusnul khotimah is a shameful end. This meaning of khusnul khotimah is very different from husnul khotimah, which must be uttere

in fasting month.
"The most virtuous prayer after the obligatory prayers is the prayer in the last third of the night, and the most excellent fast after the fast of Ramadan is fasting in the month of Muhar

efore dawn.
During the month of Ramadan, a Muslim can still do the tahajjud prayer after performing the tarawih prayer. In addition to our prayers being answered when reciting the tahajjud prayer, ther

Dhikr is also a practice that was greatly beloved by the Prophet SAW. He never missed doing dhikr every day, making it one of the recommended practices for Muslims. Emulating the Prophet's practices is highly recommended in

king invocations.
Husnul khotimah signifies a good end. Husnul is taken from the word hasan which means good. Khotimah itself signifies an end. Therefore, husnul khotimah denotes a good end. Its meaning is a death that ends in a good condition, that

u haq.

Allâhumma laka aslamtu. Wa bika âmantu. Wa alaika tawakkaltu. Wa ilaika anabtu. Wa bika khâshamtu. Wa ilaika hâkamtu. Fagfirlî mâ qaddamtu, wa mâ akhkhartu, wa mâ asrartu, wa mâ a'lantu, wa mâ anta a'lamu bihi minnî. Antal muqaddimu wa antal mu'akhkhiru. Lâ ilâha illâ anta. Wa lâ haula, wa lâ qu

Prophet Yunus's supplication is among the renowned prayers in the Quran. Prophet Yunus was among the prophets dispatched by Allah SWT to convey His message to his rebellious people. However, when his prayers and counsel were not well-received, Prophet Yunus decided to abandon them without Allah's permission. As a consequence of his deed, Prophet Yunus was trapped in the belly of a large fish for a p

Allah's forgiveness. Prophet Yunus's supplication also embodies the meaning of Allah SWT's forgiveness. When Prophet Yunus sank in the ocean, Allah SWT forgave him after he asked for forgiveness with his supplication. This teaches Muslims to always be pious and seek forgiveness from Alla

There are several dates in the month of Muharram that are recommended for observing voluntary fasting with different virtues. So, is it permissible to perform voluntary fasting on the 1st of Muhar

Dhikr is also considered as a deed that opens the door to sustenance. It makes one's worldly and afterlife affairs feel smoother and easier. When doing dhikr, one will feel grateful for everything Allah has given, so the heart always feels content and far from feelings of greed and av

Prophet Yunus's patience and obedience in carrying out Allah's orders can also be a role model for Muslims in dealing with life's challenges and carrying out the duties we carry. Prophet Yunus's supplication serves as a reminder for Muslims that there is nothing more crucial than seeking protection with Allah SWT and maintaining our relationship wit


Meaning: "O Allah, our Lord, all praise is for You. You are the Sustainer of the heavens and the earth and all that is in them. All praise is for You, You are the Sovereign of the heavens and the earth and all that is in them. All praise is for You, You are the Light of the heavens and the earth and all that is in them. All praise is for You, You are the Truth. Your promise is true. The meeting with You is true. Your Word is true. Paradise is true. Hell is true. The Prophets are true. Muhammad (peace be upon him) is true. The Hour (o

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